. March 26th, 2023 .

First Blog Post!

Well... titles pretty self explanatory :3! I will (attempt) to write here everyday. I'm not sure what exactly I will write about ... but I think it will be extremely fun!!! Ahhhhh.... I have so many hot takes floating around in my head, just waiting for my hands to tap tap on some keys to escape the everwrenching hell that is.... my head. A lot of people don't know this but I am very fond of writing, & I am pretty good at it according to lots of people. I write fictional stories to opinions. Lots of opinions...! Some are stuff that most people agree with, while some are like, "AYA! Ewwwie why would you even agree with that." (& no, none of THOSE opinions arent anything morally awful or anything. Just things that most people arent exactly on the same page on.)

The one thing I really do love most about having a personal site, rather than only having social media, is that I can say WHATEVER I WANT TO & none of you can actually say anything about it! Well.... unless you were to go all the way back to the main page & say weird insults in the chatbox.. jesus thats a lot of dedication just to rudely say you disagree with someone.

Of course, I can *TECHNICALLY* say what I want to on social media, but there's always the fear of recieving backlash from others, even over things they slightly disagree with. I've heard of people end friendships, or even entire romantic RELATIONSHIPS because of disagreements & it truely makes me wonder; how did yall become friends, or even date, in the first place? I think in a good relationship, whether platonic or romantic, you should be able to discuss disagreements on topics in a calm way without fighting or the fear of losing your friend/partner.

TLDR; if you're going to have discourse over a topic, discuss it calmly, because it does not feel good to lose a friend because of a disagreement, no matter how slight! (Unless your opinion is bigoted, then your friend has a 100% right to drop you.) (´・ω・`)

Song of the Day!

The title explains what I should probably be doing right now, considering it's 01:56 AM (๑•﹏•)⋆* ⁑⋆*. But anyways! The last song on the Joe Hawley Joe Hawley album... Ahhhh...... IT'S SO GOOD!!! (Obviously, I ain't putting any songs I don't like on here.) I can't exactly pinpoint everything I love about it, it's juuust AAAH!! SO AMAZINF!!!!!!!! Horray!! The guitar!!~